3 Reasons Not to Guest Post in SEO

There are some golden rules to follow when it comes to using a guest posting sites in SEO. Ensure the site is high-quality and has a do-follow backlink. Even if the site has no follow link, it can still produce valuable organic referral traffic and lead generation. If you are unsure if the link is contextual, use a tool such as CognitiveSEO to find out. Contextual links carry more link juice and improve CTR. Furthermore, they make the user experience better.

You should not guest post for SEO

One of the worst things you can do for your SEO strategy is guest posting. Google devalues these links and views them as unnatural, and you will soon see your ranking drop. This strategy will not work, so you should stop it now! Listed below are the top 3 reasons you should not guest post for SEO. Read them all and decide for yourself. But, if you’re hesitant to stop it, here are some examples: lease management software

Nofollow Links: Guest blogging sites can set the backlinks to be nofollow, which defeats the purpose of getting links pointing to your website. If you’re going to guest post for SEO, make sure the content is relevant. Otherwise, you’ll lose referral traffic. If you’re concerned that guest posting won’t help you with SEO, work with high-authority sites. You’ll get more referral traffic if your guest post is relevant to the topic.

Avoid overusing keywords. You can use relevant keywords in your guest post, but they will hurt your rankings if you use them too much. Try to use your keyword research to find keywords relevant to your topic, then add your own unique insights. Also, don’t use too many keywords, as they can turn readers off. Instead, use them sparingly and naturally. And if you are still unsure, try out one or two guest posts and see what happens!

You should only guest post for high-quality sites

The key to effective link building is constructing backlinks from high-quality sites. These sites are worth a lot more than many others, and you should avoid link building from sites that do not have a similar audience to yours. It is also difficult to get accepted to guest posts on sites in a different niche. If you want to create a link building strategy that works, you should only guest post for high-quality sites.

The goal of your guest post is to get traffic and gain authority in your chosen niche. Depending on the type of content you write, you can get traffic from major websites like Forbes and The Washington Post. You can also post on niche-specific blogs, such as BuzzFeed. Make sure to read the writing guidelines carefully. Large influencers like Buzzfeed and Forbes have strict requirements when it comes to guest posts.

To build an authority brand, it’s important to write quality content for high-quality websites. Including links to your own educational assets can also build your domain authority. Also, it’s crucial to avoid link-building from spammy websites, because Google will devalue the SEO juice. High-quality content will help you establish yourself as a thought leader and connect with your audience. Then, you can leverage these links to boost your website’s visibility.

You should only guest post for sites with a do-follow backlink

This is one of the most common SEO mistakes made by bloggers. While guest posting on a low-quality website can get you some exposure, it could also have negative consequences for your website’s SEO. That’s because Google doesn’t just look at the quantity of backlinks, but also the quality of them. To avoid this problem, you should only guest post for high-quality sites that provide a do-follow backlink.

Research the site using search engines, directories, and social media. There are also some excellent backlink analysis tools online that will help you find high-quality link insertion. These tools will also help you find high-authority sites that allow do-follow backlinks. In addition, you should check the backlinks of your competitors’ sites to determine which ones are legitimate. In this way, you can avoid losing your reputation in search results.


A do-follow backlink will increase your search engine ranking, which can be beneficial for your website. By posting on a blog owned by a professional, you can earn high-quality backlinks and establish a relationship with the blog owner. However, the process of landing these links can be difficult – you should contact ten to twenty sites to find high-quality opportunities.

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